Tiếng Anh 8
Skills 2(trang 65)

Unit 12: Life on other planets (Skills 2)



Lesson 6: SKILLS 2

Task 1. Work in pairs. Describe the picture and answer the questions.

Đáp án

1. What do the pictures show? Do you think they really exist? (Những hình ảnh thể hiện gì? Bạn có nghĩ chúng thật sự tồn tại không?)

=> They show the aliens in other planets. I don't think they really exist.

2. What do you want to know about them? (Bạn có muốn biết về chúng không?)

=> No I don't.

3. What would you do if you saw one of them? (Bạn sẽ làm gì nếu bạn thấy một trong số chúng?)

=> I will hide.


Task 2. Listen to Tom's imagined description of what an alien from another planet may be like. Fill each blank with no more than three words from the recording.

Gợi ý:

(1) Jupiter

(2) Much bigger

(3) more powerful

(4) Lots of hair

(5) thick skin

(6) four eyes

(7) Happiness

(8) fear

(9) energy

(10) rocks



Audio script

I think the inhabitants of Jupiter may be very different to human beings. This is how imagine them: They may be much bigger and more powerful than humans. Jupiterians may have eight legs and be able to move very fast. They may have a lot of hair all over their bodies and their skin might be very thin so they can live in temperatures of around - 145 degrees Celsius. They may have four eyes and be able to see very far. They may also have a very good sence of smell and they may even be able to sense others' feelings like happiness or fear. And I don't think they eat and drink like us. Instead, they get all their energy from the rocks. They may charge their bodies by plugging their feet into the rock, just like charging a battery. That way, they don't even need to breathe air.

The only way they may be similar to us is they live in family units of parents and children. They may also use language to communicate wizn each other.


Hướng dẫn dịch:

Tôi nghĩ rằng cư dân của sao Mộc có thể rất khác với con người. Có thể tưởng tượng thế này: Họ có thể lớn hơn và mạnh hơn con người. Dân cư trên Sao Mộc có thể có tám chân và có thể di chuyển rất nhanh. Họ có thể có rất nhiều tóc trên khắp cơ thể và làn da của họ có thể rất mỏng để họ có thể sống ở nhiệt độ khoảng -145o C. Họ có thể có bốn mắt và có thể nhìn thấy rất xa. Họ cũng có thể có mùi thơm và thậm chí họ có thể cảm nhận được cảm xúc của người khác như hạnh phúc hay sợ hãi. Và tôi không nghĩ họ ăn và uống như chúng ta. Thay vào đó, họ nhận được tất cả năng lượng từ những tảng đá. Họ có thể sạc cơ thể bằng cách cắm chân vào tảng đá, giống như sạc pin. Bằng cách đó, họ thậm chí không cần hít thở không khí.

Cách duy nhất họ có thể giống với chúng ta là họ sống trong các gia đình của cha mẹ và con cái. Họ cũng có thể sử dụng ngôn ngữ để giao tiếp với nhau.


Task 3. Listen again and tick (v) true (T), false (F) or not given (NG).

Gợi ý:

1. F

2. NG

3. T

4. F

5. F

6. F


Task 4. Work in pairs. Imagine what an alien may be like. Use your imagination to fill the web below.

Gợi ý:

- He might have 2 eyes.

- He may be eating rock.

- His skin may be green and thick.

- His hair may be a lot.

- He may wear spacesuit.

- He may be similar to us in that he can feel happy and fearful.

- He may be different from humans in that he can't speak.


Task 5. Now use the notes to write a description of your alien.

Gợi ý 1:

- I think that the alien also may have 2 eyes. His skin may be green and thick and he may have a lot of hair. He may eat rocks. He may wear spacesuit regularly. He may be different to us that he can feel happy and fearful and he may be different from humans in that he can't speak.

Gợi ý 2:

- I think that an alien may be very different from a human being. He has a head almost twice as big as ours with 3 eyes and no hair. His/Her eyes are not as round as ours, but oval and large. He has grayish skin, a thin neck and a long nose. He is very tall, as tall as 10 feet. Unlike a human being, He might eat soil, rock and leaves. He may wear a spacesuit. He may be similar to US in that he/she can feel happy and fearful. He may be different from humans in that he/she can't speak.

Gợi ý 3:

- I sometimes dream about meeting an alien from Mars. He looks very strange. He has big eyes and he is a little bigger and more violent than me. His skin is black. He has no hair on his head but he has an antenna. He wears clothing but it is made of metal. It's very strong. He looks really powerful and he tells me that he always has to fight for the freedom of his planet. There are a lot of invaders from the Galaxy who want to control his planet. He loves peace and he will do everything to protect his planet.

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